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Keys to Your Startup’s Success — Stop Building So Much, Start Shipping
Building a product is easy. Whenever a person has an idea today, whether or not they can build it, is not a question. Anything can be built. And building a product is fun.
But, shipping a product. That’s a different story. Shipping can be not so fun. Why?
Once we ship, the product is out there. Our product that we put our heart and soul into is now pushed in front of possible critics and judges. We start to feel anxiety.
- Is the product done?
- Did we test enough to make sure that there are no large bugs?
These questions start to flood our minds.
Shipping can be a scary time. Anyone who has worked on a project can attest to the feelings above. But the truth is this…
…until you’ve shipped, everything you’ve built is potential waste.
Why do I say that?
The book Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit explains why in one sentence.
Until the software is actually in production, you don’t really know if it will solve the business problem. — Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit by Addison Wesley